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Uncertainties in the attribution of greenhouse gas warming and implications for climate prediction

机译:温室气体变暖归因的不确定性   对气候预测的影响



Using optimal detection techniques with climate model simulations, most ofthe observed increase of near surface temperatures over the second half of thetwentieth century is attributed to anthropogenic influences. However, thepartitioning of the anthropogenic influence to individual factors, such asgreenhouse gases and aerosols, is much less robust. Differences in how forcingfactors are applied, in their radiative influence and in models' climatesensitivities, substantially influence the response patterns. We find standardoptimal detection methodologies cannot fully reconcile this response diversity.By selecting a set of experiments to enable the diagnosing of greenhouse gasesand the combined influence of other anthropogenic and natural factors, we findrobust detections of well mixed greenhouse gases across a large ensemble ofmodels. Of the observed warming over the 20th century of 0.65K/century we find,using a multi model mean not incorporating pattern uncertainty, a well mixedgreenhouse gas warming of 0.87 to 1.22K/century. This is partially offset bycooling from other anthropogenic and natural influences of -0.54 to-0.22K/century. Although better constrained than recent studies, theattributable trends across climate models are still wide, with implications forobservational constrained estimates of transient climate response. Some of theuncertainties could be reduced in future by having more model data to betterquantify the simulated estimates of the signals and natural variability, bydesigning model experiments more effectively and better quantification of theclimate model radiative influences. Most importantly, how model patternuncertainties are incorporated into the optimal detection methodology should beimproved.
机译:使用最佳的探测技术和气候模型模拟,在二十世纪下半叶观察到的大部分近地表温度升高均归因于人为影响。然而,将人为影响划分为诸如温室气体和气溶胶等单个因素的鲁棒性要差得多。强迫因素的应用方式,辐射影响和模型对气候的敏感性方面的差异会极大地影响响应模式。我们发现标准的最佳检测方法无法完全协调这种响应多样性。通过选择一组能够诊断温室气体并结合其他人为和自然因素影响的实验,我们发现了在大型模型中对混合良好的温室气体的可靠检测。在20世纪观察到的0.65K /世纪的升温中,我们发现,使用不包含模式不确定性的多模型均值,混合温室气体的升温很好,为0.87至1.22K /世纪。冷却被-0.54至-0.22K /世纪的其他人为和自然影响所部分抵消。尽管比最近的研究受到更好的约束,但整个气候模式的可归因趋势仍然很广,这对瞬时气候响应的观测约束估计具有影响。通过拥有更多的模型数据以更好地量化信号的模拟估计值和自然变异性,可以更有效地设计模型实验并更好地量化气候模型辐射的影响,将来可以减少某些不确定性。最重要的是,应该改进如何将模型模式不确定性纳入最佳检测方法。



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